
I Will Fix You

I'm feeling much more centered after today's yoga session. With a little Coldplay - Fix You in the background, I'm surprised how much I enjoy this time. After a piece of professional advice to balance the high intensity running + kickboxing with yoga, I decided a few weeks ago that it makes total sense. My brain, my feelings, my heart rate all calm down and my muscles say thank you. Don't get me wrong, I have always been that person that doesn't do yoga because I don't sweat enough when I do it. Now, that thought has changed. Also, after a childhood of dance/cheering/stretching, I've realized that I'm actually not that bad at it.


Elizabeth Baddeley said...

Of COURSE you would be good at yoga! I can definitely see that. Where are you going? I went for a while to hot yoga at a place on Shawnee Mission Parkway and State Line. I loved it!

colls said...

Taking advantage of the 24-Hr Fitness membership and going for free. Not sure if I'm ready for hot yoga yet...still need to get the breathing down!